What will case management software look like in the year 2030?


The average lifespan of a case management system is 10 years.

This article explores some of the themes that are either emerging now or are likely to emerge over the next 5-10 years and takes a brief look at what a Case and Matter management system might look like in 10 years’ time.

10 years carries significance for a couple of reasons:

Agricultural Age: 4000 – 1700 AD

Industrial Age: 1700 AD – 1960 AD

Information Age: 1960 AD – 2030 AD

Knowledge Age: 2030 AD – ???

Firstly it’s the end of what a lot of people call the information age and the start of the next age which is called a variety of things such as Knowledge, Reckoning or the like.

Learning CMS Systems

Workflow by Example

So the CMS of 2030 will I believe address one of my personal pet hates; the process of converting process maps into workflow systems.

Like many business analysts I’ve spent a good chunk of my career analysing a mountain of process maps… and then spent another good chunk of my career converting them into workflow models.

Now there are a number of problems to this approach

  1. Firstly it takes a lot of time … things get lost in translation .. processes change in the time it takes us to implement them
  2.  Secondly people don’t fundamentally follow process charts

Our CMS of 2030 will learn these by observation and suggest the optimum “standardised processes”. This in turn will significantly reduce the effort that is required to implement these sort of processes. Likewise by designing more and more processes around adaptive case management methods users will be given more and more freedom to quickly step outside of the process.

Data Driven Decisions

So whilst solving the workflow problem is a reasonable sized problem to address the same techniques will also be applied to other similar questions. And hence the CMS of 2030 will enable us to quickly answer questions such as:

  • “How long will this case take?”
  • “How much will this case cost?”

The net result is that we will be more accurate in the management of ad-hoc work and much of the “routine” will be implemented from case processes.

Addressing information overload

Both in our day to day life and our business life we are bombarded by information… and everyone’s information is always more important than others!

A case or matter management system is no different and users can quickly be overloaded by “noise”. They become desensitised to it and the information becomes worthless.

Today we allow user to change the frequency of these notifications. So for example they can “turn down the noise” to only receive approval notifications once a week.

But the CMS of 2030 will solve these problems, understand the concept of “pertinent information” and hence the information we receive will become meaningful rather than noise to be ignored.

[Editor note: whilst this is a conceptually easy problem to understand its significantly harder to solve!]

Designing for People and Machines

Case Management systems collect a huge amount of complex structured and structured information .. Information that through its sheer volumes can again become “overloaded”.

So we’re pretty proud of our Case Management UX at Sharedo – its designed for people to complete ad-hoc workflows as they go through their journeys (we call these “blades”).

That said from a product perspective we consider ourselves part way through the journey from a traditional GUI to what is termed a NUI or Natural User Interface.

However I’m equally certain that the UX of the CMS of 2030 is going to change significantly even from where ShareDo is today. Analysts talk about the next evolution beyond NUI as being Organic User Interfaces … personally I’m slightly cynical as to whether the bulk of case handlers will be wearing VR headsets and manipulating files in a 3 dimensional space in 10 years but I could well be wrong.

That said I do think what we will start seeing is the integration of chat bots together with almost a retro “command line interface” into case systems.

We’re starting to experiment with similar styles of interaction to that seen in applications like slack.

In this world the primary case view would be your case history and from there you will be able to perform any action quickly.

This is an interface that we will gradually start to see evolving into a more natural language style of UX.

As the desire to automate more and more activities progresses so will the need increased need for case systems to also be designed to be machine centric.

In common with most modern case and matter management applications we design ShareDo API First.

API First essentially means two things:

  1. We start by designing the API by which data and behaviour can be consumed.
  2. And then layer on any required user interface components

What this means in practice is that every single interaction that can be completed through the UI can also be completed via a machine to machine call; whether that is configuring a document or entering matter data.

That said I think the case systems of the future need to be more sophisticated than this however and will be able to support dynamic supply chains where different elements of the case lifecycle are provided by a different organisation.

Saying goodbye to valueless data entry

I think we have all done a reasonable large amount of valueless data entry in our careers to date.… and as someone who has spent a considerable time designing complex data entry forms I am only too aware of:

  • how much of this data is duplicated
  • how little the majority of users care about this “gold”
  • … and hence how the existing model for data entry is currently far from optimal

So whilst we move towards more machine to machine CMS integration much of this effort will be eased, the CMS of 2030 will be significantly more sophisticated in the way in which it extracts data from textual documents using sentiment style analysis. For example we will take information from the likes of medical reports and turn these into structured data more easily.

Today we are broadly solving these challenges using:

  • Brute force algorithms that require a huge amount of time and data to train
  • Or by throwing cheap resource at the problem
  • Or indeed deploying an army of python developers etc

The CMS of 2030 will be deploying entirely more sophisticated algorithms at this problem set and hence reduce “valueless data entry”

Automating the activity not the role

As we squeeze the last few drops out of big data and lean six sigma…we will be automating the activity (but not the role!)

So over the course of the next 10 years we will be gradually be removing friction and non value added activities from human involvement with our CMS.

There is a quote from someone at the London Business school that describes this process as, and I paraphrase, as “… squeezing the last drops of juice from the oranges that are Lean Six Sigma and Big Data.”

And hence for many processes using our CMS of 2030 our job will be to manage transactions by exception.

But for the majority of processes; using the CMS of 2030 will make I believe the working life of our users a much more positive thing. With the CMS removing much of the “mundane” we can focus on being more human which has to be a good thing.

Dev Blog Update – Q2 2021

Release 6.35 is available now

It’s been a busy few months for the growing ShareDo product team with release 6.35 bringing us a raft of new features.


  1. New Key Facts Widget – enabling WYSIWYG editing of dynamic content for portals
  2. Configure Chronology POI’s – you can now configure your own custom points of interest
  3. Portals now support master pages together with targeting multiple personas

Core Case

  1. Virtual Data Rooms – we have release our new VDR functionality as the most secure mechanism for sharing files with external parties. More info below.

User Management

  1. User Types – we have simplified the onboarding of users with more configurable user types
  2. Convert Person to a User – streamlining the process of onboarding portal users
  3. SCIM – We have added support for the SCIM 2.0 protocol enabling you to easily provision users from identity services such as Active Directory

Document Assembly

  1. There is a new document administration portal containing all document related functionality in a single focused experience
  2. Configuration of document templates has been simplified together with offering more advanced configuration features for template targeting and output storage
  3. We have introduced a new email template editor together with an optimised end user experience
These features are described briefly in the following sections. As always for more details please see the relevant help materials or contact customer success.

Virtual Data Rooms

ShareDo supports a number of different document sharing patterns with external parties including configurable document repositories or integration with tools such as iManage share. Virtual Data Rooms (VDRs) provide an additional mechanism that:

  1. Is secure by design – following the principle of least privilege
  2. Allows end users to create unlimited VDR’s with any case participants
  3. Can be managed as a separate entity within the system or else can be integrated with existing Matter or other work type portals.
  4. Upon upgrading to R6.36 you will see now find a dedicated work type for Virtual Data Rooms. Together with some example smartplans for the automatic provisioning of these for different circumstances.

Within our reference implementation we have configured VDRs as follows:

  1. When a client case handler is added to a matter/case a VDR is automatically provisioned with the correct permissions and parties
  2. Within the case handlers persona view the new VDR widget is configured to show rooms alongside your standard DMS repository.
  3. Case Handlers can then drag and drop documents directly to the VDR

From an external participants perspective

  1. They are notified when a new document is added to the VDR
  2. Depending upon your configuration requirements external parties can either access their VDR’s as part of the overall Case or Matter
  1. Or via a dedicated VDR portal.

Configuring Virtual Dataroom’s for the first time within your solution takes 1-2 days; as always please contact customer success for a better understanding of how best to configure these or to access our reference implementation.

User Impersonation

As we increase the sophistication of our external digital collaboration journeys; so we must increase the level of testing and verification that we apply to these. To assist in this process we have introduced user impersonation. If you are granted explicit permissions within the security module you are then given the ability to impersonate a given user.
Naturally this feature should be used with extreme care and is locked down by default. Alongside its use for testing external collaboration journeys our clients support teams are also using it to quickly understand users issues and provide support.

Configurable Chronology Points of Interest

Within the ShareDo modeller Chronology feature you will see an expanded set of options for Point of Interest (POI) configuration enabling you to:

  1. Configure all chronology POI
  2. Disable handlers
  3. Create private chronology POI so that some POI can be hidden from external parties (if the Chronology widget is present on their portals)
  4. Derive your own POI handlers enabling you to express Business Audit entries in your own language.

Manage User Types

ShareDo supports a highly configurable security and personalisation schemas for different user types. For a given user you can specify:

  1. Their security Access Control Lists
  2. Their persona (and hence associated portal views)
  3. Their identity provider (with different user types potentially having different identity providers)

Whilst these can all be managed independently all of these settings can now be applied via user types.

Within the Sharedo modeller there is a new entry for “Manage User Types” enabling you to define these.

Streamlining of User Onboarding

In conjunction with the user types enhancements we have also made the journey to convert a person into a user more streamlined. The business scenario where this becomes relevant is on matters where you have collected a third parties details and then wish to make them a portal user.

Subject to the new global permission of “ODS – People – Convert to User” a number action will appear on the participants menu.

Please note the actual provisioning of the user is controlled by a smartplan; this will most likely need to be adjusted for your specific identity management solution. For example if you manage identities in Active directory then you will need this workflow to create the user account within that system.

SCIM Support

SCIM stands for the System for Cross-domain Identity Management (see http://www.simplecloud.info/) with Sharedo now supporting the SCIM 2.0 protocol. This enables you to configure user provisioning and identity synchronisation with identity management applications such as Azure Active Directory.

SCIM configuration is performed under the SCIM Feature within the feature framework

Once configured the relevant SCIM API end points are available for you to use as part of your configuration of Identity Synchronisation as part of Azure Active director for example.

New Key Facts Widget

Within the Portal Modeller you will now find a new key facts widget. This widget provides a WYSIWYG design canvass for creating custom Data Composer driven portal widgets.

Document Admin Portal

In this release we have moved all document template related functionality out of the main Admin portal into its own dedicated portal. For clients that are using the default navigation configuration this will then be available within the launchpad menu for user with the new Admin – Document Assembly permission.

The new Portal is designed to assist clients who have a very large number of document templates in managing these; with all list views being configurable.

In this release there has been some significant reworking of the document template creation process. Most notably we have introduced the concept of Document Template types.

As part of this change you will also notice we have introduced a number of new template types for the production of emails and SMS’s based on the HTML Generator. The previous Email (markdown variations) and SMS template types have been renamed and marked as inactive. The default for Email and SMS are the based on the new rich text editor variation and use new document generators – HTML and HTML to Plaintext respectively.

Note: Unless the old template types are made active again, you can only create HTML templates for Email and SMS that edited within ShareDo.

As well as simplifying the Document Template screens we have also made a number of functional enhancements including:

  • Ability to specify browse and specify dynamic tags for document titles, filenames and storage locations:
  • Ability to specify tags as part of the storage of the document
  • Ability to specify display rules to enable dynamic display of templates for specific case types or phases.

New Email Template Editor

As mentioned above by default the older style of email templates using markdown will be made inactive by default although should you so wish you can still create emails of this type. Instead email templates are now authored using the in built ShareDo editor
  1. WYSIWYG editing of templates
  2. Full support for data composer tags including standard, image and link tags
  3. Repeating Sections
  4. Conditional Section

Email End User Experience

In this release there have been a number of enhancements to the end user experience for authoring emails including:

  • Hiding of secondary actions such as BCC, Receipts behind a separate menu
  • Subject and Body have been updated to use the new rich text editor component

Portal Editor – Target Multiple Personas

You are now able to target a portal definition at multiple personas.
When a portal is requested ShareDo scans the type hierarchy entirely first looking for a portal definition (either from modeller, or from manifest) that matches this type + persona. If it can’t find a persona one, then it scans again looking for non-persona versions. This means you can define a client portal at the “matter” level and because persona is now the first criteria, it will return say “core.matter.client” instead of “core.matter-some-specific-type-no-persona”.

Portal Editor – Master Page Support

For a given portal you are now able to specify a master page containing various widgets that will then be used across all portal pages.
A common use of this is to place common widgets such as page titles and the like within the master page in order to simplify your portal definitions.

Portal – Theme Enhancements

As we see more and more clients implementing multiple brands and cobranded portals within ShareDo we have added additional configuration support for

  1. Configuration of Favicon
  2. Specification of a different primary colour to be used on dark backgrounds in order to maintain your accessibility contrast ratios

List View Enhancements

Additional configuration options have been been added to list views including

  1. Ability to show related key dates as columns
  2. Ability to filter by custom attributes

Configurable Blade Save Behaviour

You can now configure whether blades will save automatically or not upon first creation. This is configured through the override operations feature on a work type.

Wiki Enhanced Support for Large Images

There has tremendous uptake in the use of our wiki functionality since it was introduced in V6.24. We have seen clients uploading considerable quantities of content within their work items including lots of very large images. Since large images can begin to limit page performance we have introduced 2 new features to assist in managing this.

Within the Rich Text Editor global feature configuration you can now specify the maximum size for images uploaded.

If a user inserts an image over this size they are directed to resize the image; alternatively this action can be kicked off manually if required.

Performance Enhancements

There have been a number of performance enhancements made across the application most notably in 3 areas

  1. Rendering of blades using complex aspect striping rules is considerably faster
  2. An initial set of performance improvements have been made to the import export tool although there are more of these to come in subsequent releases
  3. We have removed out reliance on SQL Server materialised views which is showing a ~ 20% performance improvement in certain areas of the application. Note: The impact of this change should only be noticeable to on-premise clients.

Security Enhancements

Following our latest round of pentesting 24 low and medium severity issues have been addressed. Further details are available on request.

Major Bug Enhancements

[84319]-Matter (Dispute) – Changing fee structure template throws a non-stop progress wheel

[84320]-Budget Breakdown not resetting after exceeding fee structure

[86043]-Fee Breakdown – Changing time period doesn’t refresh/clear previous time period data entered

[88899]-Matter dispute (claimant’s vehicle participant / registration) – The required field warning message is not hidden after entering a valid registration number

[89562]-Goods and Service – Rate Card Type hides code

[89731]-Option Set Striping: Court Type list on Proceedings does not honour jurisdiction matching rules for striping – escalated by WK needs to be in 6.25

[89756]-Modeller: Portal Designer – need to be able to see where portal is inherited from

[89779]-[Phase Guard 2] No audit event for data quality

[90430]-[Search Scopes] Admin Screens should have Save, Close and save and close buttons

[90960]-[Modeller] Work Type: Change Rules – Participant warning/error and process not working

[90983]-Change work type (children to change to each other in a specific phase) – The ‘change type’ option is not responsive

[90998]-Version Number: Not always pulling through to client environments

[91001]-Matching Rules: Option set endpoint bringing back inactive items

[91187]-[Drafting Widget] Its Ugly + Doesn’t show full details + Invalid Date

[91368]-ShareDo Role Permissions: Cannot be switched off once a vary by phase has been set

[91399]-Error when opening the Prep Doc blade

[91414]-Reporting – Permissions Report not available

[91439]-Formbuilder: Unable to progress matter if non visible mandatory field not set

[91494]-Modeller (work type / participant roles list) – The active column displays an active value for a roles, but the role is inactive

[91601]-Dispute matter (edit liability/chronology): Display issue with a long text

[92148]-New b2b instruction (Defendant General Claim) – An error of ‘Unable to resolve an approval model’ and a non-stop progress wheel are thrown when submitting a new instruction

[92284]-[Goods and Service] Manage goods and services cannot filter on item name

[92314]-Work Type still displaying when turned off in config

[92441]-[Admin] Feature: Competencies – Renaming Competency Type the name doesn’t persist

[92479]-[Modeller] Option Set – Striping: Error if adding Display Rule before list values are saved

[92514]-[Rich Text Editor] Table editing isn’t great

[92521]-Dispute Matter (Liability widget) – The liability positions are not displayed

[92668]-Emails can be sent unparented

[92905]-Formbuilder Document Questionnaire name in document file name – railed to tokenise error message

[92911]-[Multi Party Docs][4633]Questionnaire participant pickers do not work on a multi party document

[92957]-[4520][Email from Action Plan] When creating an email from a call to action

[92970]-[PI Valuation] PI Valuation guidance should not have a total

[93289]-Timezone Aspect breaks the instruction blade

[93339]-Documents admin (Document Templates list) – The ‘Applies to’ column is missing

[93351]- Offer details aspect sub type does not honour striping

[93352]-Limited view of Email Templates

[93394]-Some email scroll bars do not work when accessed through the chronology

[93421]-Appointment – timezone is required, however you should already know this based on the Jurisdiction of the matter

[93457]-Legacy tags are no longer working in email templates

[93471]-Appointment Sub Type – not picking up items in hierarchical list

[93487]-Matter (notification email task) – A non-stop progress wheel is thrown when trying to open the associated blade

[93510]-New Key Dates Widget doesn’t convert date to time zone

[93542]-Incident Start Date appearing twice when key date not set to allow multiples

[93645]-Key Dates duplicating – Dates on key dates changing by one day

[94387]-[Offers] Aspect Configuration – Not possible to configure the offer rationale’s label

[94396]-Attaching related doc does not unlock the UI

[94511]-Html Generation – html encoding of data-if attributes was not being handled correctly

[94523]-Phase change comments – should be plain text and remove 250 character limitation

[94525]-Appointment’s default end date is not displayed as blank although the ‘default end date’ flag has been set to false

[94598]-Email Document Delivery – valid files for bundling guard doesn’t work when repository provider is iManage

[94615]-Form Builder Optionset Picker validation firing when field is non mandatory

[94626]-Matter (Documents) – Bundle generation fails – PDF conversion failed error

[94627]-[Document Bundling] – can’t add tag libraries to document separator templates

[94629]-[Document Bundling] – Document Bundle should only show bundle separator templates in the dropdowns

[94652]-Bundle Generation – unable to use context data composer tags in document separator templates

[94653]-AddEditShareDo blade is leaking event subscriptions.

[94673]-[Document] Prepare email not working on matter key facts blade

[94801]-Matter (participant) – Add new location does not display the find address widget

[94836]-Document admin (document templates / email templates) – A 400 or an insert related error is thrown with a non-stop progress wheel if the config is not reloaded/refreshed after a template change

[94845]-Email Arching needs a few more settings and a patch to HCPC’s version

Clinical Negligence Cases – The Democratisation of Data Analytics for Effective Decision Making

The challenge

Each year the NHS receives more than 10,000 new claims for compensation. Current estimates, obtained from a recent Freedom of Information Request by the BBC, put the total costs of outstanding claims at £83bn, with associated legal fees estimated to be in the region of £4.3bn. This trend of increasing claim numbers and higher value settlements is putting more pressure on the NHS budget. In fact, the cost of outstanding claims equates to over 65% of NHS England’s total budget for 2018-19.

In today’s climate of socio-economic disruptions and high demand for NHS services, the pressure on public services to perform under heavy budget cuts is ultimately putting a huge strain on the NHS.

alls for Reform

The current system of clinical negligence claims has been heavily criticised by many as complex, inequitable, protracted and expensive, with a general lack of clarity regarding the difference between gross medical negligence and ordinary human error in medical practice. In addition to calls for justice reform, the Department of Health has pledged to tackle “the unsustainable rise in the cost of clinical negligence” and here at ShareDo, we strongly believe there are significant opportunities to reduce costs, improve efficiencies, and optimise service delivery through the adoption of an intelligent, collaborative work management systems such as ShareDo.

Reducing the Complexity Burden

ShareDo’s primary aim is to reduce the complexity burden through intelligent case management that is all about changing the very fundamentals of how we work effectively; how we visualise work, share it, transport it, track and ultimately integrate it within new frameworks of collaboration. At its core, ShareDo streamlines, automates, and accelerates case processes through rich, secure collaboration spaces, intelligent data capture and information storage, whilst empowering data-driven-decision-making through machine learning and predictive analytics in context.

Democratisation of Data in Decision Making

There has never been a more interesting time with respect to the world of data and its pivotal role in this new world digital economy. Here at ShareDo, we believe that by democratising and leveraging the wealth of digital insights available at your fingertips, ShareDo business analytics makes it’s possible to make more informed decisions that will lead to commercial growth, evolution, and an increased bottom line. The democratisation of data through ShareDo analytics breaks down information silos and enables a new breed of data exploration to evolve, known as data-driven-decision support with predictive analytics, which is concerned with the prediction of future probabilities and trends.  The central element is the predictive model, which can be trained over your data, learning from the complete experience of your organisation within hours.  As a result, legal professionals can now benefit from real-time data-driven-decision making (DDDM), where intuition is supported by empirical evidence, to achieve unbiased, accurate and repeatable outcomes.

Analytics in Context

Data driven decision making (DDDM) is a process that involves collecting data based on measurable KPIs in context, analysing and presenting patterns and facts from these insights, and utilising them to develop strategies and actions that benefit both you and your client.

By delivering analytics in the context of work activities, ShareDo empowers legal professionals, without technical expertise, to analyse and extract insights to inform decisions throughout clinical negligence case journey. Critical insights that can support you and your client to:

Accurate forecasting of timescales, quantum and settlement outcomes
Accurately project compensation fund release through predictive settlements;

Real-time analysis of reserving accuracy, budgets and costs tracking;
Manage and track reserve accuracy through reserve predictions, benchmarking and tracking;
Guard against any unconscious biases with empirical evidence to underpin expertise

Data-driven decisions with insights that go beyond the dashboard;
Utilise real-time negotiation analytics and know-your-opponent data within the offer process for improved settlements.

It is at this current juncture where business intelligence ceases to be a “technology task” practiced by the few, but seamlessly interwoven into everyday processes and back into the control of the users that understand the data the most.

The Path to Success

It is understood that while data-driven-decision-making through predictive analytics itself is a new and emerging category of software, the business drivers behind it are not, and in order to be successful, law firms will need to move quickly to keep abreast of the changes, reshaping structure, systems, and the method of delivery of legal services.

By embedding data analytics into the central clinical negligence case journey, firms can streamline internal business processes, identify unfolding trends, interpret and monitor emerging risks, and build mechanisms for constant feedback, forecasting and service improvement to their clients. Ultimately, businesses that deliver usable analytical solutions outperform their peers financially by 20% [source Gartner]. Driving analytics into everyday decision support will thereby enable you to gain competitive edge and stay at the forefront of digital disruption.

How to Thrive as a Tech Savvy Law Firm

The State of legal technolgoy in 2019

Technology continues to move at an alarming rate, things we were only dreaming about in 2017, started to materialise in 2018 and will only continue to develop as we move forward into 2019.

But how will advancements in technology affect the legal sector?

Increasingly, firms are recognising the importance of adopting and investing in technology in order to effectively compete in today’s market. Clients are also continuing to demand greater engagement with technology, and in many ways, the traditional law firm model is falling behind expectations of the service industry generally.

This year’s study by Deloitte suggests that technology is already leading to job losses in the UK legal sector. The fact that 114,000 jobs could be automated in 20 years’ time, law firms can’t afford not to take notice of the impact technology is having and will continue to have on the legal sector. Despite the bleak tone of such information, law firms should think of it as an opportunity to innovate and provide an indispensable service for clients.

In our relatively short time in the legal market, we are already seeing significant changes within law firms as they move from firms with limited automation and outsourcing to ones that embrace end to end automation and legal project management

ShareDo’s case management, automation, and ultimately digital transformation give firms the opportunity to interact with their client in new and exciting ways while improving efficiency and job satisfaction.

The question is no longer “should you be a tech-savvy law firm” but rather, “how can you make technology our competitive advantage against both peer and larger firms?”

How does Tech Help your Legal Practice?

As legal professionals, we’re no longer strangers to the time-saving benefits of technology in the workplace. Look at how typewriters, then personal computers, then email, and now cloud-based software has dramatically improved productivity at law firms.

With more software solutions coming online to save time and increase efficiency, the competitive divide between modern firms that implement these solutions and more traditional, paper-based firms will only increase. Here, firms have a big advantage—they can quickly implement technology to automate repetitive tasks at their firms, and move away from “expert” centric process and towards legal project management.

What Legal Software Does your Law Firm Need?

Start your 2018 as you mean to go on. Digitally transform your legal firm with ShareDo – a platform for tomorrows leading legal firms today.

ShareDo, created by slicedbread, is an adaptive case and work management platform. Built using the best technology stack to solve today’s business problems; ShareDo improves an organisations productivity and efficiency to help drive successful client outcomes.

Want more advice and information to help your legal practice thrive? See the ShareDo website or get in contact with our team at hello@sharedo.co.uk.

Freeths selects ShareDo for firm-wide deployment

MANCHESTER, UK, July 4th 2018.

National law firm Freeths has signed contractsfor the implementation of Sharedo work and case management system across its entire user population.

With a national presence comprising 860 people across 12 UK offices, Freeths prides itself on “doing the right thing” for its clients by thinking differently, building long term trusting relationships and delivering high quality outcomes. Central to this strategy is its investment in leading technology.

As explained by Chief Executive, Peter Smith:
“The business is undergoing a major refresh of, and investment in its technology. We believe that now is the right time to do this to further differentiate our client offering.

First and foremost we, as a firm, handle clients’ matters. Some time ago we started looking for a modern platform that would allow us to ‘manage’ matters in the most effective way. To us this means a number of things.

From a client perspective:

1. making sure that the quality of work and client outcomes are excellent;
2. making sure that we are delivering those outcomes at the most effective price point for the client; and
3. providing transparency to the client at all points in the transaction and providing them with ‘frictionless’ ways of engaging and working with us.

And from an operational view:

1. making sure we are using internal resources effectively, evening out peaks and troughs in our staff utilisation;
2. making sure that junior staffs’ work is supervised effectively; and
3. ensuring standard best practices are deployed firm-wide.

After an extensive selection process the management team unanimously decided that Sharedo was the right platform. It ticked all the business requirement boxes, integrates with the other best-in-class systems we are implementing, uses emerging technologies like Machine Learning and AI, and is adaptive—as our needs change we can easily evolve Sharedo to match these.

As a selection team we felt Sharedo stood head and shoulders above anything else in the market”.
Commenting on the deal Ben Nicholson, Chief Product Strategist for Sharedo said:
“Having a national firm like Freeths select Sharedo for firm-wide deployment is a great honour and a great testament to Sharedo’s capabilities. It also reinforces one of the key propositions Sharedo is built on — we are all about enabling work to be done in a smarter way but without this in any way impacting quality of the outcome or the service delivered to clients.

We are excited that Freeths recognise and will fully utilise the adaptive nature of Sharedo to use it for end-to-end case management in those parts of the business that lend themselves to this, and for general matter management across the rest of the firm.”

About ShareDo

ShareDo is a legal case management platform that enables lawyers to achieve superhuman results. It creates more time by making light work of countless daily tasks, leaving you laser-focused on delivering the best outcomes for your clients.

Built using the best technology stack to solve today’s business problems, ShareDo improves law firm’s productivity and efficiency to help drive successful client outcomes.

Today, ShareDo is the fastest growing CMS in the UK, experiencing continuous year-on-year growth as more and more law firms are switching to its disruptive technology platform.

Learn more about us at sharedo.co.uk

About Freeths

Freeths is one of the UK’s leading national law practices, ranked as a top 60 law firm with a turnover for 2017/18 of £78.9m. We offer services to both the commercial and private client across the entire legal spectrum. We operate from offices in Birmingham, Derby, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Milton Keynes, Nottingham, Oxford, Sheffield and Stoke. Freeths has a wide range of clients throughout the UK with many clients having strong international connections. Our client base reflects our strength and our nationwide service delivery. We are committed to continuous improvement and our increasing success as a business is built on achieving success for our clients. We work in close partnership with clients, providing positive, practical solutions and clear, comprehensible advice.

Across the board, the firm are ranked in legal directories in the top tier for 21 legal categories, with a further 50 rankings for other specialisms.

We are ranked 50th in the 2017 Sunday Times Top 100 Best Companies to work for. We also won the ‘Firm of the Year’ category in the UK Diversity Legal awards 2015.

Learn more about us at freeths.co.uk