Shepherd and Wedderburn Scale Faster and More Efficiently with ShareDo

Shepherd and Wedderburn is a leading Scottish-headquartered UK law firm with offices in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, London, and Dublin.

Industry: Legal
Location: UK
Size: Enterprise (200-500 employees)

The Challenge

Shepherd and Wedderburn needed a case management system that could handle their increasing workload and slide into their existing processes. ShareDo’s flexibility and scalability allows the firm to manage a higher caseload with the same high-quality results their clients expect.

Adapting to changing client demands

For more than 200 years, Shepherd and Wedderburn has delivered high-quality legal advice and top-notch client service, which are critical to the firm’s long-standing client relationships.

The only way to keep clients satisfied is to respond to their needs. These needs change over time, and as Shepherd and Wedderburn’s clients became more budget-conscious, the firm needed to deliver the same high-quality work faster and for less.

To do that, Shepherd and Wedderburn needed a more robust case management system (CMS), tailored to the complex needs of a full service law firm.

Manual processes prevented growth

Shepherd and Wedderburn’s daily tasks are complex and exacting. Too many of their processes required manual effort, which led to issues around consistency, risk management, and resourcing.

When they started looking for a case management system, one of the requirements was its ability to handle the unique complexities of their work. The firm’s increasing workload added urgency to their search.

“We wanted to be more efficient,” Steve explains. “We were growing, and the volume of client work was increasing. It’s a lovely problem to have, but we needed to be able to manage it with the same number of staff and maintain the quality of our output.”

ShareDo as a flexible way forward

The firm chose ShareDo for its flexibility and data management capabilities. Instead of holding them back, the platform’s scalability would propel them forward.

With ShareDo, they could shape their CMS to fit their processes and people—not the other way around.

“Sharedo gives us full control over the flow of information into and out of the system. It allows us to meet our client demands while adhering to the processes that we’ve defined for consistency and risk management,” Steve adds.

Greater insights drive efficiencies

Not only has ShareDo supported Shepherd and Wedderburn’s processes, but using the CMS has also helped them clarify those processes and increase efficiencies within the firm.

“The biggest benefit of using Share Do is the structure that it puts around the work. It gives us that control and visibility over what’s going on in the firm, and why,” Steve says.

For each new project, the Shepherd and Wedderburn team knows exactly which tasks need to happen and when. They know what resources to use and when they will need input from the client. “All of that allows us to manage our work more effectively,” Steve adds.

With increased visibility, the firm can plan and resource upcoming projects more effectively while improving processes. “We can use the technology to generate drafts of documents rather than have a lawyer manually type them. We are using integrations to our document management system and our digital signature solution to remove friction in the transaction,” Steve says.

Doing more, even better than before

Thanks to ShareDo, the Shepherd and Wedderburn team has been able to take on a greater volume of casework. “It’s been a real benefit for us, especially in this economic climate,” Steve says.

Just as importantly, the work is more efficient—and enjoyable—because the platform has eliminated manual tasks.

ShareDo has made it easier for Shepherd and Wedderburn to deliver what clients need to know sooner, keeping cases on track. “We can give them real-time information about their cases, which is a very strong benefit,” Steve says.

Despite shouldering a heavier load, Shepherd and Wedderburn have used ShareDo to streamline processes and eliminate friction, ensuring they keep clients happy for generations to come.

Ready to Make light work of your daily tasks?

ShareDo is a legal case management platform that enables lawyers to achieve superhuman results.

Find out how ShareDo can help you deliver the best outcomes for your clients today.