Zego Insurance Selects ShareDo for claims management
July 15, 2022
Zego insurance, the first UK insurtech to secure unicorn status, had scoured the market for months, looking for an adaptive claims management system to enable the business to start managing claims internally. However, the Zego team could not find any system currently in the insurance market that would enable them to effectively build their own processes, customer journey and provide the granular level of data they required as an organisation. Looking outside the box, and with knowledge of ShareDo’s experience in legal mass claims and legal insurance claims, they approached our team to show them the ShareDo application. Within a couple of weeks, and through a number of accelerated timed meetings, the Zego team had selected ShareDo as their new claims management system.
With an aggressive timeline the Zego team required the solution to be live in under 6 weeks including integration with existing policy administration systems. Rising to the challenge the combined team were able to launch the FNOL solution on time by the 1st of August. Future phases will rollout claims and supply chain management internationally.
About ShareDo
ShareDo is a legal case management platform that enables lawyers to achieve superhuman results. It creates more time by making light work of countless daily tasks, leaving you laser-focused on delivering the best outcomes for your clients.
Built using the best technology stack to solve today’s business problems, ShareDo improves law firm’s productivity and efficiency to help drive successful client outcomes.
Today, ShareDo is the fastest growing CMS in the UK, experiencing continuous year-on-year growth as more and more law firms are switching to its disruptive technology platform.
Learn more about us at sharedo.co.uk