ShareDo’s best-in-class work management platform enables large organisations to manage any type of work efficiently. Whether it’s predictable process-led, or bespoke expert-led. Our platform can be customised to …….

Work Type Modelling

Easily Deploy custom work processes

An enterprise work management deployment will often contain hundreds of different work types. These typically vary from large work items, such as matters or cases, to smaller items, such as contract approvals or tasks.

Work Management

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To manage work efficiently sharedo enables you to  

  • Have visibility of how work is allocated and the overall “busyness” of people and teams. This can support both volume work types or more project based allocation. 
  • The ability to allocate that work to the “right person” in a completely automated fashion or else through queues or decision supported manual allocation. 
  • Automated alerts and notifications as to work progress or future SLA breaches. 
  • Flexibly model Approval and Supervision steps within processes with reference to users competencies and authority limits.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

"A Powerful testimonial goes here. The testimonial should not be too long, as this makes it more impactful. It should ideally also include some form of statistic as a 'big promise'."

<firstname lastname], <job title>
<Company name>

Ready to learn more?

Personas & portals

Show the right information, to the right people, at the right time

Digital by design sharedo is built around a personalisation engine. Through the Portal modeler you configure highly personalized and optimized digital experiences for employees, clients and partners. 

Document Management & Assembly

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sharedo provides a rich set of functionality that sits on top of your chosen Document Management System including the ability to 

  • Automate the production of Document Templates or Emails; templates can consist of multiple documents and can include attachments or physical enclosures 
  • Manage the lifecycle and production of document bundles for disclosure, court and other use cases 
  • Efficiently issue documents via channels including email, electronic signature or external posts 
  • Manage Digital Mailrooms including the filing of documents. 

Different views to visualise work

  • Workbench views
  • List views
  • Case views
  • Team views

Simple, Easy UI

Single click opens a blade

Double click opens the matter

Easily reassign / delegate tasks

Send email on behalf of other users.

Legal assistant sending something on behalf of matter owner.

Persona based views

External clients.
Consumer clients

Authenticate using Azure Active Directory. Anything with oAUth
Facebook. Linkedin.

Anyway to get a token, can authenticate

Show what you want clients to see. Hide what you dont.
Internal portal design is configurable via nesting

e.g. on team sees a certain portal w design

ACCESSIBILITY – let’s say an individual user needs a light yellow background due to sight issue. Can configure down to that.


Use our ### pre-built widgets to quickly create the portal that meets your orginasations needs.


Fee Earner View

Partner / Manager view


Business 2 Business view

Full control of what the customer sees.

(not all comments, and financial transactions etc. Just what you want to show)

Business to Consumer view

Full control of what the customer sees.

(not all comments, and financial transactions etc. Just what you want to show)

Document Management & Processing


Choose your DMS

Sharedo provides skin to it

No need to have different versions &keep them sync’d etc/

Just used your preferred DMS but access it from ShareDO

Multiple delivery channels



Electronic signature (Docusign – others available if needed)

Virtual Data rooms

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Time recording

Narrative entry done quickly OR manual
Can do this in outlook and word
Time sheet to see what they have recorded. TIME GAP ANALYSIS (what time was time recorded)
Can put targets in etc

Smart Allocation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Configurable views

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

In-depth data for detailed reporting

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

In-built Knowledge base to provide context sensitive guidance to end users

Junior lawyer can have pop-ups etc.

In-depth data for detailed reporting

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Particpation rules for complex requirements

A client might be an organisation, or an individual, or a Mr/Mrs

Entity might be a client in one, a witness in another, an interest party in another.

We manage this with roles and participations


A client might be an organisation, or an individual, or a Mr/Mrs

Entity might be a client in one, a witness in another, an interest party in another.

We manage this with roles and participations


Speak of change increased, time to value decrease

Entity might be a client in one, a witness in another, an interest party in another.

We manage this with roles and participations


Only show milestones depending on things like phase that we are in, or the user that I am, or the type of case we are running

Entity might be a client in one, a witness in another, an interest party in another.

We manage this with roles and participations

Create workflow processes for different user seniority

Junior might need more automation via ‘micro-processes’

Operationalise regular actions, even in artisinal case stypes, with micro-processes

Junior might need more automation via ‘micro-processes’

Support different patterns of work

Junior might need more automation via ‘micro-processes’


Open API that;s fully extensible.


Create action plans at different phases of a case to ensure compliance and accuracy

Rapidly navigate to the correct place to complete action plan steps with CTA buttons

Get the right people doing the right work with our allocation engine

Task type based, competency based, value based, experience driven, busyness.

Lots of different allocation behaviours based on numerous elements so right people get the right tasks

Work triage that used to be manual can be automated

Can stop people cherry picking easiest work etc.

Rapidly navigate to the correct place to complete action plan steps with CTA buttons

Visual Workflow Builder

No-code approach to building your perfect workflow process.

300 included out of the box. Clone, edit and reuse – or start from scratch.

No expertise required. Incredibly simple to use – devless. As part of our onboarding process, customers tend to be smashing away using VWB with 1 – 2 weeks.